Design floor – Punos by Joanna Laajisto
The Punos design floor, designed by respected Finnish interior designer Joanna Laajisto, perfectly combines functionality, quality and aesthetics.
Note! Finished patterned board, not the installation style. Installation with glueing down to subfloor. Guarantee for design floors is valid only when the installation is done by a professional and according to the instruction given by the supplier. Order installation instructions for design floor

Wood species
When choosing a wood species, it is important to consider the different characteristics of each species, such as durability and appearance. Read about tree species and their characteristics at the bottom of the page. The choice affects the price of the product.
Patterned wooden flooring is also available in this tone. The different patterns are shown on the patterned wooden flooring page. Due to the extensiveness of our product range, our website does not contain images of all the available variations. The choice affects the price of the product.
The product is available in several widths. The width affects both the price and the installation method. Examples of this are 230 mm products that are glued from the end tongue and grooves, and 270 mm products that are always glued to the underlay. Patterned wooden flooring is always installed by gluing it to the underlay. The choice affects the price of the product.
Knottiness – that is, the grade of the wood – refers to the amount of knots and natural variations in tone of the different tree species.
Select is an almost knot-free grade that is as evenly-toned as can be. Available for oak, ash and larch.
Classic is the most natural grade, with small and medium-sized knots and holes filled with wood cement as well as the variations in shade that are natural for wood.
Larch Natural grade is characterised by knottiness and significant colour variations. Filled knots, as well as round knot patches and oval patches are allowed within the grade. Available for larch.
Vintage is the knottiest and most coarse-grained grade, with no limit on the number or size of knots. Even cracks and large knot holes filled with wood cement are allowed.
Olive is an ash grade with a dark heartwood alongside a light sapwood.
The Design grade is its own grade of patterned wooden flooring, and is similar to the Classic grade.
Surface treatment refers to surface sanding or brushing. Brushing raises the grain pattern of the wood to the surface, exposing the structure. The brushed surface is comfortable to stand on barefoot and is recommended for families with pets and children, as scratches are not as visible as they are on smooth-polished surfaces. Sanded surfaces are flat and smooth, which facilitates cleaning. The choice does not affect the price of the product.
Surface treatment
Our products are available with a choice of two finishes: hard wax oil or matte lacquer. Both finishes are UV-cured, making them moisture-repellent and easy to care for. The hard wax-oiled surface is not slippery and can be repaired in places if necessary. It does not require regular maintenance oiling (such as natural oiling), but is waxed according to wear. The matte-lacquered surface provides greater abrasion resistance, and is therefore an excellent choice for lobbies, hallways and kitchens, for instance. The choice does not affect the price.
Installation style
The product is available with either 5G WiseLoc locking joints or conventional adhesive joints. Some products or widths are available with only a glued tongue and groove (e.g. 270 mm wide product and patterned wooden flooring). The choice does not affect the price.
Include VAT
The samples ordered from the sample shop are always tone samples only – they do not show the width, grade or pattern of the product. We recommend ordering a sample, as variations in the colour settings of different computer screens can cause the image to differ from the actual colour of the product.
Yhden Punos laatan sivujen mitat ovat 770 x 770 mm. Huom. asennetaan aina alustaan liimaten.
Saatavilla lajitelmissa Select ja Classic
Kaikki puulajit voivat reagoida liian kuivaan sisäilmaan. Mikäli sisäilman suhteellinen kosteus laskee alle suositellun 35 – 60% Rh (Relative humidity), voi lattiaan tulla halkeamia. Muista siis seurata sisäilman kosteutta varsinkin kuivina kausina, kuten mm. talvella, ja tarvittaessa lisätä kosteutta esim. ilmankostuttimella. Puulle optimaalinen, 35 – 60% Rh (Relative humidity) on myös ihmiselle optimaalisin sisäilmankosteus.